Bell 429 Global Ranger   msn: 57355

# 355 / RA-01636, Ready for delivery to a Russian client from Prague, Czech Republic.

Photo: LKPR, 17 July 2019.

# 355 / OK-FIL, Captured during a test-flight at Prague, Czech Republic.
This Bell 429 was shipped from Mirabel to Europe medio February 2019. After completion
and painting it was delivered to a Russian client in Saint Petersburg medio July 2019.

Photo: Václav Kudela, LKPR, 13 June 2019.

 Airframe History:
 Date: Tailnumber: Owner / Operator:
 xxx 2018 C-  Bell Helicopter Textron Canada,
 AUG 2018 C-GEUX  Bell Helicopter Textron Canada,
 Montreal, Québec
 FEB 2019 C-GEUX  regi canx,
 exported to Czech Republic
 MAR 2019 OK-FIL  Bell Helicopter Prague as,
 Prague, Czech Republic
 JUN 2019 OK-FIL  regi canx,
 exported to Russian Federation
 JUL 2019 RA-01636 Private Operator,
 Saint Petersburg, Russia

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