Bell 427   msn: 56004

# 004/ N427F, On static display at Fort Worth Alliance airport.

Photo: Chris Bailey, KAFW, 18 September 2004.

 Airframe History:
 Date: Tailnumber: Owner / Operator:
 03 JUN 1999 C-GDSQ Bell Helicopter Textron Canada,
 Montreal, Québec
 17 NOV 2000 C-GDSQ regi canx,
 exported to the USA
 20 JUL 2002 N427F  Bell Helicopter Textron Inc,
 Fort Worth, Texas
 03 JUN 2006 N427F  Textron Financial Corporation,
 Wichita, Kansas
 05 MAR 2016 N427F  Bell Helicopter Textron Inc,
 Fort Worth, Texas
 17 JAN 2018 N427F  regi canx, airframe
 withdrawn from use

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