Bell 429 Global Ranger   msn: 57046

# 046 / XC-VVE, State of Chihuahua, Mexico.

# 046 / XC-VVE, The burned out remains of the State of Chihuahua helicopter after its crash near Balleza, Mexico

Photo: Balleza, 15 August 2015.

# 046 / XC-VVE, Post accident inspection reveals that only the tailboom is intact.

Photo: 15 August 2015.

 Airframe History:
 Date: Tailnumber: Owner / Operator:
 xxx 2011 C-GFNN  [test-regi]
 MAR 2011 C-GKKR  Bell Helicopter Textron Canada,
 Montreal, Québec
 JUL 2011 C-GKKR  regi canx,
 exported to the USA
 MAY 2011 N4469B  Bell Helicopter Textron,
 Fort Worth, Texas
 AUG 2011 N4469B  regi canx,
 exported to Mexico
 AUG 2011 XC-VVE  State of Chihuahua,
 AUG 2015 XC-VVE  crashed and burned near
 Balleza, Mexico

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