Bell 429 Global Ranger   msn: 57085

N702AC, Good Samaritan Hospital Air Care, arriving at the Washington State Convention Center
in Seattle, where it was on display at the Air Medical Transport Conference / AMTC 2012.

Photo: pixlmgr, Seattle, 20 October 2012.

 Airframe History:
 Date: Tailnumber: Owner / Operator:
 xxx 2012 C-FOEP  [test-regi]
 FEB 2012 C-GONU  Bell Helicopter Textron Canada, Montreal, Québec
 JUL 2012 C-GONU  regi canx, exported to the USA
 JUL 2012 N702AC  Good Samaritan Hospital Air Care,
 Rodgers Helicopter Services LLC, Kearney, Nebraska

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