Bell 429 Global Ranger   msn: 57135

# 135 / HI1030, Helidosa Aviation Group.

# 135 / HI1030, Captured at La Isabella airport.

Photo: C.Castillo, MDJB, 27 August 2017.

# 135 / N429DH, Textron Aviation Finance Corporation.

Photo: Bell Helicopter Textron, October 2016.

# 135 / XA-CTA, Departing from Queretaro, Mexico.

Photo: Mauricio Arturo Velazquez Delgado, MMQT, 17 May 2014.

 Airframe History:
 Date: Tailnumber: Owner / Operator:
 FEB 2013 C-GVAJ  Bell Helicopter Textron Canada,
 Montreal, Québec
 JUN 2013 C-GVAJ  regi canx,
 exported to the USA
 JUN 2013 N488WB  Bell Helicopter Textron,
 Fort Worth, Texas
 OCT 2013 N488WB  regi canx,
 exported to Mexico
 xxx 2013 XA-CTA  Hector Juan Garza Thadeo,
 Meija Chain of Companies, Mexico
 AUG 2016 N429DH  Textron Aviation Finance Corporation,
 Wichita, Kansas
 NOV 2016 N429DH  for sale by Bell Helicopter,
 [ttaf:285] & [por]
 AUG 2017 N429DH  regi canx,
 exported to Dominican Republic
 AUG 2017 HI1030  Helidosa Aviation Group SA,
 Dominican Republic
 JUL 2021 N529LE  assigned import,
 USA [reservation]
 JUL 2021 N529LE  reservation canx,
 clerical error.

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