Bell 429 Global Ranger   msn: 57171

# 171 / PP-DNM, Dalton Nose, captured at Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil.

Photo: Roberto Antenore, SBSJ, 30 August 2014.

# 171 / N505HT, The 23rd. Bell 429 Global Ranger to be operated in Brazil.

Photo: March / April 2014.

# 171 / N505HT, captured at Piney Flats, Tennessee, before delivery to Brazil.

Photo: Estevam Zaidan, TN57, March 2014.

 Airframe History:
 Date: Tailnumber: Owner / Operator:
 xxx 2013 C-GBUP  [test-regi]
 OCT 2013 C-GXUH  Bell Helicopter Textron Canada,
 Montreal, Québec
 FEB 2014 C-GXUH  regi canx,
 exported to the USA
 JAN 2014 N505HT  Bell Helicopter Textron,
 Fort Worth, Texas
 FEB 2014 N505HT  Wells Fargo Bank Northwest,
 Salt Lake City, Utah [trustee]
 APR 2014 N505HT  regi canx,
 exported to Brazil
 due 2014 PP-DNM  [reservation],
 APR 2014 PP-DNM  Dalton Nose,

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