Bell 429 Global Ranger   msn: 57186

# 186 / PK-WSX, The IMIP helicopter was on a flight to Kendari airport, when the crew
decided to return after a few minutes in the air, to the helispot at Bahodopi, Morowali.
They crash landed at approximately 100 meters from the helispot after a 10 minute flight.

Photo: Bahodopi, Sulawesi, 20 April 2018.

# 186 / PK-WSX, The helicopter was severely damaged, the crew and passengers where
slightly injured, but a pedestrian was killed by the rotorblades.

Photo: Bahodopi, Sulawesi, 20 April 2018.

# 186 / PK-WSX, PT.Whitesky, operated on behalf of Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park.
PT.IMIP is a joint Chinese - Indonesian nickel mining company.

# 186 / PK-WSX, IMIP / Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park.

Photo: Hendra Daniel Willar, February 2015.

# 186 / PK-WSX, IMIP, Official handover ceremony at Bell Helicopter factory in Montreal.

Photo: Bell Helicopter, CSW5, January 2015.

# 186 / C-GZAH, captured at the Bell Helicopter factory in Montreal.

Photo: Bell Helicopter, CSW5, 12 May 2014.

 Airframe History:
 Date: Tailnumber: Owner / Operator:
 xx xxx 2013 C-GFNQ  [test-regi]
 31 JAN 2014 C-GZAH  Bell Helicopter Textron Canada,
 Montreal, Québec
 21 JAN 2015 C-GZAH  regi canx,
 exported to Indonesia
 xx FEB 2015 PK-WSX  IMIP / Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park
 Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia
 20 APR 2018 PK-WSX  crash landing near
 Bahodopi, Morowali, Sulawesi, Indonesia
 [view preliminary KNKT report]

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