Bell 429 Global Ranger   msn: 57357

# 357 / JDFH-38, The third Bell 429 for the Jamaica Defence Force was ferried from Mirabel,
Canada to Piney-Flats, Tennessee medio October 2018. After completion and painting
the 429 was delivered to Kingston, Jamaica on 27 April 2019.

Photo: Lloyd Horgan, Jamaica, March 2020.

 Airframe History:
 Date: Tailnumber: Owner / Operator:
 xxx 2018 C-  Bell Helicopter Textron Canada,
 SEP 2018 C-FZGL  Bell Helicopter Textron Canada,
 Montreal, Québec
 OCT 2018 C-FZGL  regi canx,
 exported to the USA
 OCT 2018 N855ZC  Bell Helicopter Textron,
 Fort Worth, Texas
 APR 2019 N855ZC  regi canx,
 exported to Jamaica
 APR 2019 JDFH-38  Jamaica Defence Force,
 Kingston, Jamaica

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