Bell 429 Global Ranger   msn: 57375

# 375 / N529AM, Air Methods, almost ready for delivery at United Rotorcraft in Decatur, Texas.
The delivery to Mercy One Air Med, at Mason City, North Iowa is planned for October 2020.

Photo: KLUD, September 2020.

# 375 / C-GAEP, Ready to be towed away after its first engine test run at Mirabel.
A few days later the 429 was ferried from Mirabel, Quebec to Piney Flats, Tennessee.

Photo: Jan Makkus, CSW5, 10 September 2019.

 Airframe History:
 Date: Tailnumber: Owner / Operator:
 SEP 2019 C-GAEP  Bell Helicopter Textron Canada,
 17 SEP 2019 C-GAEP regi canx,
 exported to the USA
 17 SEP 2019 N8745C Bell Textron Inc,
 Fort Worth, Texas
 08 NOV 2019 N529AM Bell Textron Inc,
 Fort Worth, Texas
 08 JAN 2020 N529AM Air Methods Corporation,
 Greenwood Village, Colorado
  OCT 2020 N529AM Mercy One Air Med,
 Mason City, North Iowa

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