Bell 429 Global Ranger   msn: 57446

# 446 / D-HZGR, Arrival on delivery to its new owner at Bayreuth, Deutschland.

Photo: Jens Weich - Standby Aviation, EDQD, 9 September 2022.

# 446 / C-GSQC, Captured with dual-regi D-HZGR at the Bell Service Center in Prague.

Photo: Harold, LKPR, 25 July 2022.

 Airframe History:
 Date: Tailnumber: Owner / Operator:
 .. MAR 2022 C-GSQC  Bell Textron Canada Ltd,
 22 AUG 2022 C-GSQC  regi canx,
 exported to Germany
 .. SEP 2022 D-HZGR  Private Operator,
 Bayreuth, Germany

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